Windows 90

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Imagine the worst desktop UI you've ever seen.
The really terrible UI you're forced to put up with in Windows 90, no, you can't change the wallpaper or taskbar.

Windows 90 is the shittiest version of Windows ever created. Windows 90 is such a hunk of crap that even the built in programs do not work correctly. Windows 90 has so much bloatware, telemetry, and bugs that even the most diehard of Windows fans switch to Linux or even Mac after seeing it.

Windows 90 combines everything you hate about Windows ME, Windows Vista, and Windows 10 all in a CPU/RAM-hungry mess of the spaghettiest code you've ever seen. The default background is sure to hurt your eyes, and the included installation of Rainmeter is preconfigured to hurt your eyes even more. Accidentally clicked on your desktop? Then you're sure to hit a button that was put there specifically to screw you over.

No software will work quite right, you heard us correctly, none of the programs you know and love will work the same on Windows 90 as they did on previous versions of Windows. Just take a look at the installation of Office 2010 that it includes, the titlebar is totally fucked!

Also Windows 90 costs a morbillion dollars, and when installed, hijacks the UEFI or BIOS to stop you from removing it.