MCGalaxy With Cheese

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Revision as of 09:16, 16 August 2023 by Exosoft (talk | contribs)
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The main level of MCGalaxy With Cheese as of 8/15/23.
The main level of MCGalaxy With Cheese as of 8/15/23.

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MCGalaxy With Cheese (formerly known as [MCGalaxy] With Cheese & commonly referred to as just "CheeseBuild") is a ClassiCube server. Currently owned by Saffurry, and co-owned by Evanzap, Joshua, and others.

It is a freebuild server that grants a moderate amount of freedom to any user that joins (provided that they do not break any rules). The default rank is AdvBuilder, anyone can build on the freebuild, use draw commands, make their own maps, etc. The only ranks above AdvBuilder are Trusted, Operator, SuperOP and Nobody. The only users who need a promotion are trusted users (the Trusted rank doesn't give you much more than AdvBuilder) and moderators/admins.


"MCGalaxy With Cheese" used to be the name of a channel on the Discord server classifools 2 named after a McDonalds pun.

In late 2020, Cheese became a private ClassiCube server, with only a few players, and a whitelist. After some time, Cheese decided to open their doors to the public, making it into what it is today.