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Fireyhitmyfuse (also known as Firey, Syringe Abdool and formerly Mr X) is a Battle Cats YouTuber and now-banned member of the MCGalaxy With Cheese ClassiCube server and Discord. He is most well known for his work on Mr X, specifically posting Mr X memes after the grieving cult.

The Edit

In August 2023, A Mr X edit would be discovered on YouTube Shorts and posted on the server. At the beginning of the video Discord messages of people criticising Mr X appear, one of these being in Yellow as it was a pinged message. It would soon be discovered that the pinged message in the video was actually a message sent to Fireyhitmyfuse on the MCGalaxy with Cheese Discord server. Due to this discovery, Fireyhitmyfuse would be completely banned from the Discord server and the ClassiCube server. This would soon lead to the banning of all things Mr X-related in the server.