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The Piglets are a fictional civilization that come from outer space, they are Humanoids that wear clothes adornated with the face of a pig.

Currently there are 3 different chapters in the story of piglets: "Origins", "War" and "Destruction"


Everything started at New Piglet, a planet full of vegetation and life, the Piglets made a deal with Piglins to live peacefully, unfortunately, a Piglin started a showdown after trying to capture the Piglet Headquarters, after it got too big the Piglet Army kicked in to try to defend the location, but Piglins dominated the zone, Piglets in a last attempt to defend the Headquarters sent some soldiers to bomb the HQ and burn away any confidential info to prevent it from being leaked to Piglins.

As the conflict got bigger and bigger the Headquarters were bombed which caused the Piglins to officially start a war against Piglets, as they dominated more and more Piglets developed a new technology, cloning, this allowed them to have practically infinite troops, unfortunately due to poor maintenance and bad treatment of the piglets most of cloned troops died in middle of the war.

As the war advanced most of the planet was covered, there was no way of escaping, Piglins were dominating against Piglets, but Piglets didn't give up, they kept trying to defend their land and their freedom, the war kept on going for decades until the last stage of the war, called the Beggining of the End, it was the start of the eventual death of the planet, Corewalker, a cloned troop in this stage, made a plan to escape the planet after the Piglins threatened to destroy all their bases, most Piglets thought that he was overreacting and decided to keep fighting, this would be a big mistake.

Corewalker later in war got a fatal wound on middle of a battle after a Piglin exploded a car that was behind him, causing him to lose both of his legs instantly, he was rushed to the hospital where the Doctors could save him, but they had to use a experimental artificial heart due to the original Corewalker's heart being damaged due to the blood loss, this heart couldn't pump regular blood, instead it pumped a "piglet-made" blood, which for some reason made Piglets stop aging but at the cost of them being more vulnerable to fire, Corewalker went back to fighting after roughly a year recovering.

Piglins were secretly developing a Proton Nuke, which would destroy a planet instantly. The years passed and the war was just getting even worse, taking away resources from both sides, after 20 years in war, the Piglins finally launched the nuke to finally end the Piglet race, it would take a few hours to reach New Piglet, so Corewalker got ready and escaped from the planet with a group of other 9 cloned Piglets, when reaching the orbit the nuke finally hit New Piglet making a cosmic-level expansive wave that pushed the Piglet Capsule even further.

After some years wandering around space, only 5 Piglets survived, their capsule started getting pushed into an Unknow planet by the gravity, Corewalker and the other 4 Piglets got ready for the entry into the planet, they finally reached a place to live on, after landing, it was a unknow world, full of possibilities, but the war wans't over yet, Piglins would arrive again...


After landing in earth for first time, Piglets had to adapt to all (outdated) technologies in earth in order to live a normal life, unfortunately, this would be interrupted by the arrival of Piglins. The Piglins were actively following Piglets all the way, they couldn't accept the fact that they did not win the war at all, after Piglets arrived earth Piglins had to hide to get ready to make a showdown against Piglets.

Corewalker still remembers how to make a cloning machine, so he made a private lab underground to test the most optimal design for cloning, after days of experimenting he finally found the best design, so he went back to the Piglet Base only to find out that a Piglin has sneaked into the base and killed most piglets, Corewalker grabbed a shotgun and neutralized the Piglin, but he knew that it wans't the only piglin on earth.

12 years later, in 2015, The piglins sent a group to take down the Piglet base, This would take the war that was happening on New Piglet to a new level, the Piglins set up a big amount of bombs in the structure of the base and started fighting against piglets, after 1 hour fighting the piglins decided to blow up the Base, Most Piglets managed to get out of the base before it collapsed entirely, but some of them got trapped in the explosion, including Corewalker.

Humans got involved into the war in order to stop this once and for all, but it would go terribly wrong, as Piglins launched missiles to many countries, the Human population was reduced to less than half of the original one.

After a whole decade of fighting Piglets finally managed to destroy the Piglin ship, leaving piglins without any kind of power for their weapons or bases, most Piglins were executed right after to avoid any future war from happening.


It's year 7200, humanity has gone extinct and many things have changed since the war, there are still occasional shootings against piglins but there haven't been any more major fights against them. Due to the massive amount of destroyed cities Piglets move to a small island where they build a new city, the city that will be the new golden era of the Piglets, Lunar City.

Even though it has been 5000 years, Piglets still do not have much resources, so most of the city was initially made out of stone and some iron, but as the years went on they started really developing the city, with more expensive and better materials.

As the city progressed some tragic news arrived, it turns out a blackhole has disturbed the balance in the solar system, causing Gas Giants to move which lead to a chain reaction that ultimately made the moon get much closer to earth.

The Moon getting closer made bigger waves in the sea, floods were happening all over the world, destroying the rest of the Piglet cities, Lunar City was safe... thats what they thought. It turns out the Moon didn't stop there, it kept getting closer and closer, having disastrous consequences.

The Piglet scientists found out that they had 1 year until the moon crashed against the planet, they made a plan to move away from the solar system but it didn't go well, the gravity was way too strong to let a rocket escape from there, and the lack of resources did not help either.

1 year later, in the final days, Piglets accepted their fate, some of them prayed for a god to save them, other of them enjoyed the last moments with their friends, and some other started causing chaos around the city.

Piglets try to clone the most they can in hope that some of them will survive and escape from the planet, unfortunately, this did not happen.

"Lunar City, the last thing that stood on earth until the very end."