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Joeism is the religion of Joe. Joeism was mostly seen on the Petscopbar95 CMP. Joeism continues within MCGalaxy With Cheese.

The Story

In the start, there was nothing but space. But then, Joe created the world. Soon, people started to build a road. The people knew of Joe's existence so they tried to ask Joe things, and he delivered.

Eventually an entire city was built under the guidance of Joe. Powerful Joegrammers developed an operating system called JoeOS in the name of Joe; as well as a Joe Bot and Joeware.


Not much is known about Joe. It is known that Joe is very forgiving. He is the one and only known god of Joeism.

What we do know is that while Joe is often symbolized by a burger, he is not a burger. (He is especially not a burger with eyes as depicted by Jack Stauber's Micropop.)

Joeger King

Joeger King is a Joely restaurant chain that may or may not have been started by Joe himself. It is a place of worship to Joe. Joeger King serves the Joeger, a type of burger which has miraculous healing properties. It is said that those who consume Joegers are blessed by Joe, and those who consume many Joegers will be given wisdom. Purchasing a Joeger is considered a transaction with Joe himself; an advanced form of tithing.

The Joeble

The Joeble is a currently-lost Joely book, said to contain boundless knowledge of Joe and Joeism, as well as how to stop the Antijoe. The Joeble is currently being searched for. Some torn-out Joeble pages were found in Arstotzka and in Joe's city; a few more pages were found in Obamacity.

Joe's Witnesses

Joe's Witnesses are a group of people who spread the gospel of Joe and the Joeble by going door-to-door to people's houses. Unfortunately, this annoys people, meaning the Joe's Witnesses have a bad reputation. This reflects badly on Joeism, and has turned some neighborhoods against Joe.

Joe Software

Joeists with software development jobs (Joegrammers) have written software in the name of Joe.

JoeOS is an operating system similar to MacOS, with various Joe-related theming, functionality, and programs; including the ability to E-Mail Joe himself. JoeOS is to Joeism what TempleOS is to Christianity.

Joeware is a program for MineOS, CraftOS, Linux, OpenOS, Windows, MacOS and JoeOS. When Joeware is launched, it opens a window (or prints to console) with the text "This is a JOE program! All hail Joe!". Some variants of Joeware instead print "This is a Joegram, all hail Joe!". It is said that any user of Joeware is Jlessed.

Joe Bot is a Discord bot developed by Evanzap and Joshua. Joe Bot is open source, and contains various functions, some of which have to do with Joe. Any server that has Joe Bot is Jlessed. Currently, in order to add Joe Bot to a server, server administrators must create a bot account themselves and run the bot on their own server; this is due to the nature of the bot, and how it accesses the filesystem of the server it runs on to show memes.

The Antijoe

The Antijoe is a sinister being, he is said to have the primary goal of turning Joeists away from Joe, in order to take them to Jell. Some speculate that the Antijoe has the intention to kill Joe himself. The Antijoe hates Joe, his creation, his followers, and his city. One of the Antijoe's many tricks is to try to get innocent people to play the impure Changed Special instead of the pure and based Joe-endorsed Changed.