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From HTML Microsystems Wiki, originally written by the HTML Microsystems Wiki user ObamaGaming.

Official artistic rendition of the Obamacorp logo, featuring the company symbol, θ

Obamacorp is a megacorporation based in Obamacity, Obamaland. It is largely known for its technology and being a part of the government of Obamaland. The company has its roots in technology, as it originated as a tech shack in south Detroit, created mere months after bruhobama69's arrival on Earth. After bruhobama69 and his forces overthrew the United States of America, Obamacorp, once a small front for the growing forces, became one of the most powerful companies in the world. Obamacorp then went on to release Obamacoin, a highly digital national currency.


Obamacorp had its beginnings as a small, relatively unknown technology repair store in southern Detroit, Michigan, created late march of 2000. Around a month after it was created, the founder, bruhobama69, began to use the hidden abandoned complex underneath the building to begin secretive operations to plan his next move. On September 17th, 2000, the Obamacorp Tech Repair Station shut down and Obamacorp moved operations to a building sitting at the middle of a large field in southeastern Idaho. This building eventually became what is now Obamacorp HQ.

By the end of 2000, the early Obamacorp HQ had 3 floors. The entry floor, floor 1, was the only floor above ground for a period of 2 months. Floors -1 and -2 were used for much of the operations during this period. Floor 1 had numerous guards and a receptionist counter connected to a small makeshift saferoom. Floor -1 contained numerous beds for the staff of pre-war Obamacorp and meetings were almost always held here. Floor -2 was the floor of the Obamacorp Game Development Team, containing hardware and software to develop with, and numerous beds for the team to sleep in. After the construction of Floor 2, Obamacorp privately hired 10-15 individuals to develop software on the new floor.